Kansas Deer Hunting 1


Kansas Deer Hunting

A lot of our deer hunters that hunt with us, Dirt Road Outfitters, are often asked what are some of the best ways to hunt Kansas whitetail deer? So after careful consideration, & hours of insightful discussions with our guides, here is what we came up to best help you go Kansas deer hunting.


            On a spot & stalk hunt, we advise the hunters to get underneath the terrain they are covering. Sometimes this is not easy, & crawling to the best shooting spot is often times a must. One of the most memorable Kansas deer hunting trips a hunter with us from the great state of South Carolina had was on spot & stalk hunting in a standing uncut corn field. There was a sheltbelt of trees on the property, however, the wind was wrong for most of the hunt. We knew were the deer were getting water in this circle of uncut corn. On the final day of the hunt the wind was right to hunt the water or mud hole rather. We arrived at noon & followed a circle track into the water hole with the wind in our face. After arriving at the water hole, we could both tell this was a dynamite spot. Temperatures were soaring in the 100s, mosquitos were as thick as the Amazon jungle, but we endured the temperatures & mosquitos until it was deer thirty. Hours of waiting in the standing cornfield proved tough, but well worth it. Approximately 30 hours of light were left on this Kansas Deer Hunting trip when the deer approached the watering hole. First, a doe with twin baby fawns. Second, a couple more does. Ten maybe fifteen minutes passed before a bachelor group of 4 whitetail deer bucks showed themselves at the watering hole. All of these whitetail deer bucks scored over the 140 class. The best being a young 170 class whitetail buck. The one we had long waited for was a management 140 class 5 & half year old deer. This hunter waited patiently until the time was right.  He made an accurate shot on the management 140 class whitetail buck. Even though the conditions were brutal this turned into one of the best Kansas Deer Hunting trips with Dirt Road Outfitters.




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